SPK - wydarzenia

Wszystkich chętnych zapraszamy do udziału w organizowanych przez nas wydarzeniach:

  • Polish zumba w poniedziałki o 19.00
  • Bingo w środy od 19.00
  • Creche - spotkania matek z dziećmi we wtorki i czwartki od 11.00 do 13.00
  • Folk music - koncerty w czwartki od 20.00 - wstęp płatny
  • Tenis stołowy, strzałki, bilard
  • Ogródek piwny (duży wybór polskiego piwa w dobrej cenie)
  • Bar czynny w piątki i soboty od 20.00 oraz w niedziele od 12.00
  • Karaoke
  • Organizujemy też przyjęcia okolicznościowe. Rezerwacji należy dokonywać telefonicznie lub osobiście. Najlepiej z wyprzedzeniem.

Forthcoming Events and Functions
Notice no 3

  1. On Sunday 7th April 2013 at 3 pm JAJKO the traditional Easter dinner.
    Cost: Senior Citizen £8, working member £9, others £10.
  2. On Sunday 28th April 2013 at 3 pm KATYN commemoration will be held.
    All names and monies to Halina or at the Bar-Ticket Ł8, working member Ł9, others Ł10.
  3. On Sunday 12th May 2013 at 2.30 pm SPK&PCA AGM.  All members are invited.
  4. On Saturday 8th June at 11 am Polish School its organising annual Polish Cultural Day. Extended invitation to all members & guest are welcome. Lots of fun for children also various stalls and tasty Polish cuisine. Entrance free.

The Committee of the SPK kindly reminds those members who are in arrears, to please submit their subscriptions as soon as possible. Membership can be paid at the Bar, with membership card. Please let us know of any change of address.

Polish Mass is held every Sunday at 1.30 pm at St. Maries Church, Dunnkier Road, Kirkcaldy.

With kind regards on behalf of the Committee

V-ice President: H. Crichton
President: R. Lopatowska

For all future functions tickets must be paid for 1 week prior to the event: otherwise ticket or places will not be kept.

For more information, please call 07961025970 or 07759681716.